Parent Relationship Coach
You are in trouble, you know something needs to change.
What is a Parent Relationship Coach?
A PRC is a life coach whose “soul purpose” is to focus on how parents interact with each other when faced with seemingly impossible family challenges. They can work with one partner or both at the same time. There are pros and cons to each scenario and this must be considered carefully.
What does a Parent Relationship coach do?
I will assess your current situation and collaborate with you to create a plan to interrupt the damaging patterns you are in. We can work with your partner or alone, there are advantages and disadvantages to each scenario.
I will identify what you most desire for you and your family and then create effective strategies and solutions to and integrate accountability to ensure your success.
To give you the best chance of success, we are going to “Feng Shui” your life, diminishing and purging what doesn’t work, and replacing these things with experiences that do.
Battles take energy, let’s find another way.
You are already under the gun, emotionally exhausted and don’t need one-more-thing. I get it. But this is THE THING. THE THING YOU NEED to restart your life and live the way you deserve to.
The entire family will benefit from your new source of energy as you build new skills and habits based on the situation you have, and then create new scenarios for your best life.

When everyone is the family is antagonizing each other, no one is having sex. I get it. The mood is destroyed when you are emotionally exhausted by everything going down. This situation is fixable. There is also homework. It’s up to you if you do your homework, but there is homework.
You are Not Alone
You are probably in what I call a judgement circle and you need to break out. Feeling judged, guilty, shamed by pretty much everyone. The pressure is relentless. You don’t want to keep explaining over and over what is happening. Especially to people who are not fully interested or just don’t get it. The only way is up. I built the stairway, let me give you a hand.
During the dark times, I was attending a workshop. One of the responsive writing questions asked: what can’t you do right now? When I wrote the above headline, it was obvious to me that I had a self worth issue, and it shook me to my core.
Subconsiciously, I started to believe that I deserved the systematic dismantling of my former life. Of course, I didn’t deserve this and my family didn’t ask for the constant tension that came with that negative attitude. I am the captain of my ship. I just needed a course correction. You are welome at the captain’s table, anytime.

“Time and again, Ross has proven to be a focused, critical thinker. I have great admiration for Ross’ ability to motivate and empower.”

Why Parent Relationship Coaching Is Important
I know exactly what is going on in your home. The people on the outside don’t understand, and you are just handing on by a thread. With the amount of tension in the home you may be considering divorce. That is likely not to help you, your partner or your challenging child. It may give you a respite, I’ll give you that, but without addressing how you interact with your family, you are trading one trauma for another drama and not actually fixing your situation.
You need a coach to give you the action steps, to get your life where it deserves to be. You can talk to your therapist about the feelings associated with the drama, in fact I encourage it. I won’t be your friend, I won’t be your therapist. I will be your coach and I will get you back on track, regardless of every thing else going on. You can’t live like this for one more day. Why are you?